Here the goal was to configure the shared mailbox to save a copy of messages to the Sent Items folder of the shared mailbox in Exchange Online or in on-premises Exchange Server.
in a step-by-step process we were able to do that by using the ExchangeOnline:
note: If you don't already have the ExchangeOnline Powershell module, the instructions to do so can be reached by the following
link--> ExchangeOnline Instructions Here
1. If you already have the ExchangeOnline module, you can start by opening a elevated PowerShell window
2. We then connected to the ExchangeOnline module via Powershell by entering the following code that contains the UPN that has access to the Exchange Admin Center (EAC):
Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName
- once entered, a 365 login will pop up, proceed to enter your password for the user and you will then be connected to ExchangeOnline
3. Once connected, all you have to do is enter the following for each shared mailbox you choose:
set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled $True
set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled $True
4. Now that you're done be sure to disconnect from the ExchangeOnline module, do so by entering:
Here's a screenshot example of the following procedure:
5. Give it a few minutes to take action and then proceed to re-launch Outlook on the affected user's workstation and send a test email as/on behalf of the targeted shared mailbox to see your results!
disclaimer: although this method worked for our us, every situation is different so please move forward with caution and use at your own risk!
published by Kevin Fox