Re: Autocad Wont Save, Open, Export, Save As... and I'm not using the Demo.


07-18-2011 08:01 AM in reply to: kristin_p

I think I found a workaround for this.


We were having issues with AutoCAD 2012 LT not opening, saving, or allowing a person to create a new drawing. AutoCAD's support was less than helpful and blamed us, our software, our network, and our servers for being the issue. As it turns out the issue is actually a registry key that AutoCAD creates that makes the program lock up.


Please note that this fix requires working in the Windows registry. If you are not comfortable working in the registry please have someone else do the steps below for you, otherwise you may mess up your computer. I am not responsible for any mishaps, loss of data, etc. should you follow the steps below and break something. Proceed at your own risk.


Here's how to fix it:


1. Open the registry (Start, run, regedit.exe) OR for Windows XP do a Start, Run, regedt32.exe


2. Go to the following key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD LT\R17\ACADLT-A001:409\Profiles\<<Unnamed Profile>>\Dialogs\OpenSaveAnavDialogs]


3. Delete the InitialDirectory key completely. It should be the only key there other than the Default key which should be left alone.


4. Right-click on the OpenSaveAnavDialogs branch (left pane of the registry) and choose Permissions...


5. Click on the Advanced button.


6. Uncheck the box next to "Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent"


7. When prompted about the current permissions choose the Add button.


8. Click on OK.


9. Do this for each Group or user name EXCEPT CREATOR OWNER:

    a. Highlight the group or user name

    b. Uncheck the Allow box under "Full Control". Leave the Read permission alone.


10. When done with all of the groups and users click on OK.


11. Exit the registry editor.


AutoCAD should now be able to open, save, and create new files without any problems.


Technical description: AutoCAD 2012 has an issue with the InitialDirectory key in the OpenSaveAnavDialogs branch in the registry. Any value in this key will cause AutoCAD 2012 LT to freeze, although in certain instances it will continue to sort of limp along half-broken. AutoDesk keeps pointing the finger at everyone else except for themselves and will probably not fix this issue any time soon. The above steps will delete the InitialDirectory key and then prevent the program from adding the key back in later by granting only Read permissions instead of Full Control permissions.


I hope that helps. It took me nearly 8 hours to find this solution so if I can save you the time and energy then so be it. Meanwhile please continue to hound AutoDesk to release a patch or service pack to address this issue and all of the other problems with their software.